Photographing newborns is beautiful, they're such precious little miracles.
Firstly the main thing to me is your Childs safety. I have extensive training on keeping your little ones safe. The posing tools that I use in the studio are specifically designed for newborn photography.

The best time to get the sleepy wrapped images are when your child is under 2 weeks of age.
This is because they are less likely to wake too much during the session and if they do then tend to drift back off to sleep. This isn't to say that you cannot book a newborn photoshoot with me when they are a little older. I have successfully wrapped and posed numerous little ones over two weeks old. It is also a really good time as they start to show us a little bit of their personality and we can get a good mix of sleepy and awake images.

I have been there all the way through many children's and parents journeys so far.
From when they were still growing in their mummy's tummy to getting to finally meet them for their newborn photoshoot. Fast forward 1 year later for their 1st birthday cake smash and Christmas mini photoshoots.
This is such a rewarding job in so many ways, it's an absolute pleasure to capture these milestone moments for so many wonderful family's.
More images can be found on our social media